Financial Planning

Cryptocurrency – Earning, Storing, and Spending (Part 2 of 3)

Cryptocurrency – Earning, Storing, and Spending (Part 2 of 3)

In part 1 of our three-part series, we introduced cryptocurrency in general. Next, let’s explore the challenges and opportunities that exist for those hoping to earn, store, and spend their bitcoin or similar crypto assets.

Eight “Best/Worst” Wealth Strategies During the Coronavirus

Eight “Best/Worst” Wealth Strategies During the Coronavirus

For better or worse, many of us have had more time than usual to engage in new or different pursuits in 2020. Even if you’re as busy as ever, you may well be revisiting routines you have long taken for granted. Let’s cover eight of the most and least effective ways to spend your time shoring up your financial well-being in the time of the coronavirus.

Equifax Debacle and 7 Things to Do NOW

Equifax Debacle and 7 Things to Do NOW

Equifax, one of the three credit monitoring services, admitted recently that hackers gained access to the sensitive identify and financial information in their database for 143 million people (44% of the U.S. population). The hackers exploited a website weakness from mid-May to July. Equifax learned of the intrusion on July 29th but did not disclose the information to the public until 40 days later on September 7th. The credit breach is about as bad as you could expect a breach to be. Much of the data acquired is timeless information that could be used for years.

Democrats Versus Republicans: Who Gets Better Stock Market Returns?

Democrats Versus Republicans: Who Gets Better Stock Market Returns?

The argument about which party is better for stock returns has been going on for decades. Leading up to the 2016 presidential election, the argument was made that the stock market does better with a Democratic president than a Republican president. After the election and the subsequent stock market rise, the argument has been made that Donald Trump as president will be great for U.S. stocks. In fact, the Trump administration has taken much of the credit for the great returns thus far in 2017.