Our Take on Direct Indexing

As if we didn’t already have enough investment strategies to choose from, a (sort of) new one has been receiving extra attention lately: Direct Indexing. If you’ve read about it, you may be wondering what it is, how it works, and whether it’s worth using for your own investments.

Before you decide to jump on this or any other investment bandwagon, we recommend weighing the advantages and disadvantages involved. Once you do, you are likely to find other, preferred ways to invest toward your personal financial goals.

But first things first …

What Is Direct Index Investing?

Direct index investing shares some traits with its more familiar cousin, index fund investing. A traditional index mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF) buys and holds the securities tracked by a particular index, which in turn seeks to replicate the performance of a particular slice of the market.[1] For example, the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO) tracks the S&P 500 Index, which approximately tracks the asset class of U.S. large-company stocks.

In direct indexing, you invest directly in most or all of the securities tracked by an index, instead of investing in an index fund that invests in them for you.

How Does It Work?

Let’s say you have $100,000 you’d like to allocate to the asset class of U.S. large-company stocks, as proxied by the S&P 500. Here’s how you or your investment manager might proceed:

Direct indexing doesn’t have to be an “all or nothing” strategy. It’s more typical to implement it for the portion of the portfolio allocated to highly liquid asset classes, such as U.S. large-cap stocks, where it’s easier to routinely buy and sell components. Direct indexing becomes increasingly impractical in markets where trading is more difficult and/or expensive.

Why Now?

Some institutional and similar large investors have been incorporating direct indexing into their portfolio builds for years, usually through Separately Management Accounts (SMAs). As such, the approach is not new, but it has been receiving increased media coverage lately.

That’s likely because direct indexing has become more practical for individual investors. Recently, many trading platforms have: (1) eliminated investor trading fees that made it cost-prohibitive to buy and sell so many individual securities; and (2) allowed fractional share purchases, making it possible to capture an index’s holdings in smaller slices. As a result, more providers are offering direct indexing services to smaller accounts for relatively modest fees.

Why Do It?

Even if it’s possible to engage in direct indexing at costs approaching those of traditional index fund fees, why not simply go along for the low-cost index fund ride? The potentials are two-fold:

  1. More Flexible Tax Management: If you invest in index mutual funds or ETFs, you can only incur gains/losses on the fund’s share price. With direct indexing, you can trade on each underlying security you hold. For your taxable accounts, direct indexing thus offers more flexibility to manage when and how to incur taxable gains and losses, with an eye toward reducing your lifetime tax liabilities.

  2. More Personalized Experience: Direct indexing also offers more flexibility to start with a popular index, and add exceptions based on your personal financial goals. For example, you could use direct indexing to augment a regular indexing approach with a personalized values-based filter (such as adjusting your mix of “virtuous” vs. “sin” stocks). Or, if you’re employed in a hot sector such as technology, you might reduce some of your exposure to that sector, to offset the concentrated risks you’re already incurring through your career.

Is It Worth It?

Direct indexing may offer more granular portfolio and tax management than you can get through traditional index fund investing. But any incremental benefits must be weighed against the tradeoffs involved in implementing them. We also must determine not only whether direct indexing may be an acceptable solution, but whether it’s the best one available.

Our concerns can be captured in a word: stamina. Your ideal investment portfolio must not only start strong, it must be built to last.

[1] As index investing has proliferated, so have more exotic indexes, tracking trends such as fine wine or Canadian cannabis. For our purposes, we are referring to traditional indexes, tracking broadly recognized market asset classes.

[2] One proponent of direct indexing suggests: “You can capture the vast majority of diversification benefits of the S&P 500 by owning the largest 100 stocks in the S&P 500 Index.”